MARIA JOÃO PITA ¶ architecture + urban
[2006 - 2007]S333 Architecture + UrbanismAmsterdamNL
002 ROC Amsterdam North NL
003 Salzburg AU
004 Evolutionary Tower
005 Oslo, Filipstad NO
006 Nansha, PRC
007 Hengelo NL
008 Skarnu Street, Riga LV
009 Eschmarke, NL
010 SkyHotel: DUNE, Jourmala LV
011 E+C Townsend St., London UK
012 E+C New Kent Rd., London UK
013 Antwerp Quais, Antwerp BE
014 Almere Buiten NL
015 Den Haag NL
016 Office Profile: office projects presentation
017 Noordwijk NL
018 Office Profile: office presentation flyers
019 Office Profile: office candidature
020 S333 Architecture and Urbanirm in Lisbon first Architecture Triennale PT
project list